Good news, marijuana smokers! Scientists have recently discovered that everyone’s favorite weed is not actually associated with lower IQ scores!
According to the Washington Post, two new studies find that adolescents who smoke pot do not end up any dumber than their non-pot smoking peers. We could have guessed this to be true just from the existence of Seth Rogen’s career –– you don’t become a lovable stoner superstar if you’re a true dummy. But scientists have done some testing to prove the point for us.
In one study, British scientists followed over 2,000 teenagers long term to measure IQ and life outcome for both pot smokers and non-pot smokers. They found no significant difference in how the kids turned out. In another study, American researchers followed pairs of twins in which one twin smoked dope, while the other did not. Again, there was no difference in IQ, but one does wonder what kind of sibling rivalry this study created. How do you decide which teenage twin gets to smoke up and which one has to make do with Natty Lite on Spring Break?
The Post is quick to remind us all that moderation is the key to any sort of consumption, which I take to mean no one should wake ’n’ bake the way my friend Larry did all through junior year of college. But rest assured, the occasional joint won’t cause anyone to fail all their finals.